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IDPS – Where detection is better than cure

Cyber Security

Infiltration is an essential strategy in winning a war. If one can infiltrate the enemy lines and get inside their territory, then most of the time, the battle is already won. This holds true even in digital wars like hackers attacking an institution’s network systems. Most of the time, the only hassle for hackers is to bypass the security discreetly and get inside the system to secretly feast on the private data available. This is where IDPS steps in. a favorite of web development companies, IDPS stands for Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems and does precisely what the name suggests; they search for and detect and trace intrusion or attack on the organization’s network and the protected data within.

The four main types of IDPS

Organizations use IDPS for a plethora of options, such as detecting existing problems with current systems, analyzing current threats, and stopping individuals from performing malicious and harmful acts of data breach and theft. There are mainly four types of IDPS technologies.


Network-based IDPS technologies identify suspicious activities by monitoring the network traffic and analyzing the application protocols. It detects malicious activities in the network, TCP/IP, and transport layers. At an individual sensor, its scope covers a group of hosts and multiple subnets. The main advantage is that it’s the only IDPS capable of analyzing the total number of application protocols.


Wireless IDPS technologies identify suspicious activities by monitoring the Wireless network traffic and analyzing the wireless networking protocols. It detects malicious activities in wireless local area networks (WLAN). An individual sensor scope covers a group of Wireless clients and multiple WLANs. The main advantage is that it’s the only IDPS capable of analyzing and monitoring wireless protocols, which is becoming common among web development infrastructure.


Network Behavior Analysis or NBAs based IDPS technologies identify suspicious activities by analyzing unusual network traffic flows and DDoS attacks, policy violations, and malware. It detects malicious activities in the network, TCP/IP, and transport layers. An individual sensor’s scope covers a group of hosts and multiple subnets. The main advantage is that it’s the only IDPS more effective than others in detecting DDoS attacks and reconstructing significant malware infections.

Host Based

Host-based IDPS technologies identify suspicious activities by monitoring the actions and activities of a single host and all the activities being carried out within the host environment. It detects malicious activities in the network, TCP/IP and transport layers, host applications, and Operating systems. An individual sensor’s scope covers a single particular host at a time. The main advantage is that it’s the only IDPS that can be used in end-to-end encrypted communications.

Although network-based IDPS are the only ones that can analyze and monitor the total number of application protocols, it has one major flaw. The network-based IDPS cannot monitor wireless protocols becoming more prevalent with each passing day.
