
Technology questions for Small Business Operations?
Don’t lose hours of time moving in the wrong direction. Reach out before your investment in business infrastructure and online resources.

Current rate $183 USD per 60 minutes – 60 minute minimum 

– rates are subject to change –

Prepaid using your credit/debit card when you fill out the form below

– payments are processed using Stripe –

Whether it’s consulting on third party solutions, the no-code tools available, AI, programming/development, SEO,  and Servers / Cloud Services.

I also do a lot of mentoring / coaching – so if you desire someone to simply walk you through, step-by-step, and teach you how to do tasks on your own, use tools, including your server, SEMRush, WordPress, or whatever else it may be, feel free to reach out and I can be there to point out and explain everything in real-time.

Screen Sharing and Remote Access

Are Available

Text Messaging Available

Text Messaging Available: Certain “Current Clients” like to use Text Messaging (SMS) for quick and on the fly access. Assisting current clients and assisting members on and of their team. Again, current clients ONLY.

Processed from the time I start responding to the end of the convo and I then send out the invoice.


This is also an option if you need just quick access or if your team/firm needs access to me via text for quick issues.