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Cloud Computing Environment vs. Data Center Environment: How the implementation of the security pillar differs

Cloud Network

Cloud computing is becoming the first choice for firms and industries over the more traditional counterparts in the form of IT data centers. With the advent of technology in cloud computing and the emergence of newer avenues of data security, more and more businesses are turning towards cloud computing. Cloud computing offers way more cost-effectiveness than setting up and operating a full-fledged data center when storing and accessing vast amounts of data safely and securely. Security and cost-effectiveness are much more profitable for web development companies.

Confidentiality, Integrity, and availability are considered to be the security pillars of cloud computing. Compared with the data center-based environment, these security pillars have different levels of efficiency than in cloud computing.


Confidentiality is a tricky issue when considering both traditional data centers and clouds. In the data center, personal information is stored in the server’s physicals, with a handful of people having access. Also, data centers are exclusive and are owned by the company itself. Whereas in cloud computing, the entire storage is given to a third party to manage, which provides them with access to the data, confidentiality may be compromised unless the organization owns the server. But many vendors provide encryption that only the owner agency can decrypt, thus mitigating the compromise. In short, the confidentiality of data in cloud computing depends upon the service provider or vendor.


Integrity is a significant data storage and security issue and must be maintained to ensure the seamless functioning of any organization. Data integrity ensures that the data collected are accurate, consistent, and complete, and in a data center environment, there is a high chance of maintaining data integrity. In traditional in-house data storage, there is a minimal chance that it will get tampered with while in transit. While in cloud comp, using where data needs to be transferred via communication channels, there is a high chance that the data might get lost or tampered with on the way, thus resulting in corrupt and inaccurate data. To maintain data integrity in cloud storage, regular checks must be performed on both the storage and user end, along with strong encryption to ensure zero interference, a pro factor in web development.


Data availability is the metric of how fast companies can access data when needed. Reliability and availability are significant factors when contrasting physical data centers and cloud storage. Accessing data on cloud servers requires a strong and stable internet connection, so the lack of both can disrupt availability; in case the internet is challenging, cloud storage works fine. Moreover, cloud storage vendors provide multiple backup servers, ensuring that if any single server gets disrupted, another takes place; this uninterrupted flow is a crucial requirement of web development. This is a far cry from traditional IT data centers, where the whole operation comes crashing down if one center fails or gets destroyed.
